Additional Support comes from coal tax placed into Montana’s Cultural and Aesthetic Projects Trust Fund.   

Business Partner

Students viewing the Smith Mine panorama



History is not just about dates, names, and places. Preservation isn’t just about bricks and mortar. Both are about human values… about relationships between individuals and their communities that stretch from the past through the present to the future. Come on into The Carbon County Historical Society & Museum and experience these connections first hand.

All photography provided by CCHS Archives



General Admission …. $5

Children under 6 …..….FREE

Evening Lecture Series... $5


Open Friday and Saturday


Research Hours by request - Email to schedule a time.

Address: 224 Broadway Ave North Red Lodge, Mt 59068

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 881 Red Lodge, Mt 59068


About the Carbon County Historical Society & Museum

Read about our history, the history of the building, and our efforts in preservation and research efforts on our county’s treasured relics and legacies


What’s Going on at the Museum

Looking for a chance to experience the past from the best storytellers? Check out our upcoming events, speaker series, and tours .


Get Involved

Looking for a way to contribute to our building of history? We’re looking for various ways of support including memberships, donations, gifts, volunteers, and more!



We are funded in part by coal severance taxes paid based upon coal mined in Montana and deposited in Montana's Cultural and Aesthetic Projects Trust Fund.

Museum Program Sponsors

Bank of Red Lodge


Susan & Kelli Cureton-Hill


Robert (Bob) & Debbie Hull


Don Mueller & Sue Anderson


Lena & Kenneth Seng


Steve & Hope Smith


Roland & Debra Sauermann


Benjamin Marchello


Rosamond Davis


Bank of Red Lodge - Susan & Kelli Cureton-Hill - Robert (Bob) & Debbie Hull - Don Mueller & Sue Anderson - Lena & Kenneth Seng - Steve & Hope Smith - Roland & Debra Sauermann - Benjamin Marchello - Rosamond Davis -

Business Sponsors

Tom & Eliza Kuntz


David & Cheryl Whitcomb


Prindy’s Place

-Lore Law Firm, Juliane Lore-

Miles & Elizabeth LaRowe

- Mourich & Moore Family

-Coal Creek Realty & Property Management, Tera Reynolds-

Beartooth Electric -

Tom & Eliza Kuntz - David & Cheryl Whitcomb - Prindy’s Place -Lore Law Firm, Juliane Lore- Miles & Elizabeth LaRowe - Mourich & Moore Family -Coal Creek Realty & Property Management, Tera Reynolds- Beartooth Electric -